Your train ride will begin at the Paris Montparnasse station, which is located in the 15th arrondissement in the heart of Paris. Here, you will find beautiful buildings, parks, restaurants, and lots to explore. From Paris, you will pass by Le Mans, one of the region's most iconic cities, boasting its ancient and beautiful architecture.
As you travel westward, you will pass through several smaller towns and cities, such as Angers, Nantes, and La Baule-Escoublac. Finally, you will arrive at the Lorient station, located in the vibrant city of Lorient. Here, you will find plenty of restaurants, bars, and art galleries.
During your journey, you will have plenty of opportunities to explore the stunning beauty of Brittany. Whether you're taking in the rolling countryside views or visiting the charming towns and cities, you will be sure to capture some amazing memories. While in Lorient, don't forget to check out the iconic Lorient Grand Port Maritime museum, which features exhibits of the city's maritime history.
Experience the best of France on your journey from Paris to Lorient. Enjoy the natural beauty, wonderful views, and vibrant culture as you travel by train through this stunning region. From the spectacular architecture of Paris to the charming streets of Lorient, you will have plenty of memories to bring home.パリは、その豊かな歴史、息をのむような建築、そして世界クラスの料理で知られています。エッフェル塔からルーヴル美術館まで、この都市には訪れるべき場所が溢れています。そして、パリの食文化を体験することも忘れてはいけません。ここでは、パリ旅行で絶対に見逃せない歴史的・建築的な遺跡地と、試してみるべき食べ物をご紹介します。
エッフェル塔 - 位置: シャン・ド・マルス公園、入場料: 大人約25ユーロ、内部者のチップ: オンラインで事前にチケットを予約して、長い列を避けましょう。
ルーヴル美術館 - 位置: ルーヴル宮殿、入場料: 15ユーロ、内部者のチップ: 水曜日と金曜日の夜間開館を利用して、混雑を避けましょう。
ノートルダム大聖堂 - 位置: イル・ド・ラ・シテ、入場料: 無料、内部者のチップ: 聖堂の周りを散策して、外観の美しさを堪能しましょう。
サクレ・クール寺院 - 位置: モンマルトル、入場料: 無料、内部者のチップ: 日没時に訪れて、パリの壮大な夜景を楽しもう。
オルセー美術館 - 位置: セーヌ河岸、入場料: 14ユーロ、内部者のチップ: インプレッショニズムの作品を集中的に鑑賞しましょう。
セーヌ川クルーズ - 位置: セーヌ川、料金: 約15ユーロ、内部者のチップ: 夜にクルーズを楽しんで、照らされたパリの景色をお楽しみください。
モンパルナス塔 - 位置: モンパルナス地区、入場料: 約18ユーロ、内部者のチップ: エッフェル塔を含むパリの360度のパノラマビューを楽しみましょう。
Lorient is a vibrant port city located in the northwestern corner of France on the Celtic Sea. It boasts a rich and proud maritime heritage, beautiful architecture, rich culture, and plenty of delicious food. There are many hidden gems to be discovered in Lorient, so let’s take a look at some of the places you should definitely check out while you’re visiting!
Groix Island: Located a few miles from the mainland, Groix Island is a must-see for any history buff. The island is famous for its rich nautical heritage, which is evident everywhere, from ancient fishing villages to historical monuments. Be sure to take the boat trip to the island and visit the Musée de la Pêche, a museum dedicated to maritime history! Admission is free.
Port Louis: This fortified town is the capital of the Morbihan and is worth a visit for its striking architecture and vibrant culture. You can spend the day wandering around the old cobbled streets, discovering hidden gems and admiring the beautiful buildings. It’s also a great spot for seafood lovers, as the port is teeming with delicious fish restaurants.
Kerhinet: At Kerhinet, you can explore the remains of an 18th century fortress. The ruins stand atop a granite cliff overlooking the Port-Louis and offer beautiful views of the town and its harbour. Entrance to the site is free and it’s open daily from 8am to 8pm.
Grand Café de l'Univers: This is one of the oldest cafes in Lorient and is well-known for its delicious coffee and pastries. Stop by for a hot drink and a treat to refuel in between sightseeing.
La Ville Close: This is one of the most picturesque neighbourhoods in Lorient and offers a glimpse into the city’s past. Here you will find ancient houses, cobblestone streets, and lots of interesting shops. Don’t forget to visit the famous cathedral, which is open daily.
The Gare Maritime: Located right next to the harbour, the Gare Maritime is the main transport hub in Lorient and is a great spot to watch the boats coming and going. It’s also a great spot to grab a bite to eat, with plenty of restaurants and cafes.
The Marché de Lorient: This bustling market is the best place to buy fresh seafood and sample local delicacies. Stop by for some paidogues, a type of fried doughnut, and a cup of muscadet, the local white wine.
Lorient has plenty to offer, from its captivating history and architecture to its delicious food. You’ll never be bored here! So why not take a trip to this charming city and experience it all for yourself.
ガール・デュ・ノールは、パリで最も忙しい駅の一つで、住所は18 Rue de Dunkerqueになります。営業時間は毎日24時間体制で、旅行者のニーズに応えています。この駅では、手荷物委託サービスも提供されており、重たい荷物を持って観光をする必要がなくなります。このような便利なサービスは、パリを訪れる旅行者にとって、より快適で楽しい滞在を約束します。
Lorient main train station is located in the city of Lorient, France. It is the major transport hub for the city, connecting also with other important cities like Quimper and Rennes. There are other small stations in the city, perfect for short distances.
The Lorient train station is located near the city centre, having an address of Gare de Lorient, Rue des Fontenelles, 56100 Lorient. It is open every day with shorter opening times on weekends. For more information, it is possible to contact the station by phone at +33 8 92 35 35 35. There is a luggage storage service provided by the station.